Featured Photoshop Color Correction and Theory Tutorials
Advanced Color Correction With Photoshop you have the power to correct color faults and give your image a professional finish. Find out how to achieve that cover star look using Photoshop's floating curve layers... Read More
Photoshop Color Correction and Theory Tutorials Listings
Basic Color Correction
There are some very simple steps to take in making general correction for color images that will go a long way toward getting great image color.
Brilliant Color
Explain the theory of ICC and give you practical tips on how to get your colors perfect in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quark Xpress.
Photoshop Color Correction Using Levels
You always wanted to change those faded images into bright, vibrant images, you can do it with this Photoshop tutorial on color correction using levels.
Photoshop Spot channels
With Photoshop's spot color channels you won't have to bring your images into Illustrator to color and back to your page layout to position just so.
Using Adobe Gamma
Calibrating your monitor gamma for color management using Adobe Gamma.
Color Editing in Photoshop
Working with color in Photoshop takes some specialist techniques - whether you're making global adjustments or just want to change part of your image. Learn how to get the best possible results in Photoshop color editing...