Photoshop Tutorials
Animation and Interactive Web, Gif animations, javascript rollovers, Photoshop and ImageReady slices and other animation and interactivity tutorials. Photoshop Elements Gif animations, javascript rollovers, Imageready and Photoshop slices and other animation and interactivity issues. Color Correction and Theory Color correction, color theory, color separation, color profiles, monitor calibration and other color related tutorials. Graphics Optimization and Compression Graphics file formats, Jpeg and gif compression, Tiff, Eps and many other Photoshop image optimization techniques. Photoshop Illustration Techniques Use Photoshop tools and filters to create a different drawing and illustration. Layers and Channels Layer effects, layer styles, channel operations, blending modes, layer sets, and other layer related tutorials. Photo Retouching and Restoration Combine images, erase backgrounds, extract elements from an image, bring to life old photos and modify reality! Textures and Special Effects / FX Textures, 3D effects, scanlines, lightning effects and many other amazing effects using Photoshop tools. Text Eeffects The most requested Photoshop effects! Wood type, beveled type, marble type, aqua, fire, water, plastics, metals, etc. Tools and Commands Learn how to conquer Photoshop and discover the features hidden behind the tools and commands! Photoshop Scanning Techniques Useful tutorials to learn the insights of the scanning process including some techincal printing theory. |
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