Master Photoshop's Masking Tools
Expert techniques to simplify making selections
The Power of Photoshop's Pen Tool
Capture shapes accurately and efficiently.
and Audio Notes
This tutorial is strictly for Photoshop 6.0 users and describes how to use the notes feature. In the main toolbar, you should see this icon. Click it out and proceed.
Photoshop 6.0 Vectors in one Stop Solution
Photoshop 6.0 boasts more than 100 new features, including fully integrated vector drawing and text features, and Web specific enhancements practically build your artwork and rollover effects for you.
Selection Secrets
Discover the hidden power of Photoshop's selection tools.
Selection Secrets 2
More tips and tricks for making better selections.
Photoshop Masking
If you need to cut out, separate, disconnect or erase some pixels within a layer, you need to somehow let Photoshop know which ones to keep.
Selecting Made Easy
Making selections can be tricky, but it's also one of the fundamental skills you need in Photoshop.
Contrast Fast
Use the burn and sponge tools in Photoshop to darken (with burn tool) and saturate (with sponge) the highlighted areas around the graphic to add contrast between it and the background image.
Cloning Solutions
The rubber stamp is the ideal tool for tidying up photos - but most of the time it isn't straightforward. Here we show you how to avoid the major pitfalls with some neat tricks and surreptitious workarounds...
Valentine Tutorial for Photoshop
In this fun little tutorial, you will learn how to conquer your pen tool to make a valentine. This design requires no drawing at all.
Transform Selections
It's rare to find a perfect circle or rectangle in a scanned image, so the normal marquee tools often aren't very useful in making selections. However, you can stretch, skew, rotate, and distort the selections you make with those tools.
Clipping Paths
See how we used a clipping path and close cropping to merge an image seamlessly on a complex background using Adobe Photoshop.
Print Solutions
Photoshop is the world standard for preparing images for print - but the pitfalls are many. Here's how to fix and - even better - avoid them altogether...
Smudge Tool
This is a simple tutorial on making cool looking backgrounds with the smudge tool.
Burn and Dodge Tools
This tutorial is to teach a Photoshop user the importance of the burn and dodge tools.
Ddefining Brushes
Defining brushes using a portion of your image.