Designs with a Difference
Photoshop blending modes determine how color information on two different layers interacts when you combine the layers. One of the most popular is Difference mode, which produces highly saturated color.
Overlay Fade
A creative way of fading an image to the background using overlay modes.
Photoshop Adjustment Layers
Imagine the ability to apply an effect to a group of layers in Photoshop and then have the power to edit that effect later, while preserving the original layers. Adjustment layers allow just that.
Soft Light
A camera effect replicated using diffrent layers modes.
The Great and Mysterious Alpha Channel Explained
The Practical Theory behind Using Mask Channels in Photoshop.
Blends and Layer Masks
Combine the power of layer masks and blending modes.
Photoshop 6 Styles
Adobe® has vastly improved the layers effects; the biggest advancement of all might be the ability to combine multiple effects into one style.
Color Dodge Tutorial
Use Color Dodge to brighten your graphics.
Image Alchemy
Creating layered images in Adobe Photoshop can be risky. It's all too easy to end up with art that looks like a disparate collection of flat parts. But you
don't have to settle for such a look if you use Photoshop's layer-blending tools.
Alpha Channels
Photoshop uses special grayscale channels to store an image's color information and information about spot colors.
Screening Layers Photoshop Tips
Screen Blending Layers Mode.