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Photoshop 6 In Depth: New Techniques Every Designer Should Know for Today's Print, Multimedia, & Web |
Photoshop 6 In Depth: New Techniques Every Designer Should Know for Today's Print, Multimedia, & Web
by David Xenakis (Editor), Benjamin Levisay
Paperback - 912 pages Bk & Cd-Rom edition (March 21, 2001)
The Coriolis Group
ISBN: 1576107884
Dimensions (in inches): 1.89 x 9.26 x 7.53
Takes the mystery out of the new Photoshop functions! Readers will learn layering, channel selection, color corrections, prepress, integration with other applications, and how to prepare images for the Web. The linear format in each chapter addresses individual topics, allowing readers to select according to their needs and skill levels. This book includes two CD-ROMs, which contain a collection of third-party software such as filters, plug-ins, and also stock photos and all files needed to complete the book's tutorials.
Complete guide to graphics with Photoshop 6, offering detailed explanations of concepts with color and halftone illustrations to elucidate concepts. The CD-ROMs offer bonus chapters, utilities, demos and trial software, and more. System requirements include CD-ROM drive, Photoshop 6, 64MB RAM, Pentium processor, or comparable Mac system.